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Staunchly IRISH

We are thrilled to share with you a mini-documentary that perfectly captures the recent partnership between @TheDeadRabbitPub and @BAR1661, two Irish establishments that are committed to showcasing emerging Irish talent in the hospitality industry and beyond. This partnership included two takeovers in Dublin and NYC, inspired by the BAR1661 ethos of ‘Staunchly Irish, Fiercely Independent’ and The Dead Rabbit motto of ‘Tradition, Meet Tomorrow’. The resulting mini-documentary was directed and captured by @Fabio.creative of @DrinkInDigital, and it showcases the thought process, preparation, and execution that went into bringing this vision to life.

Both The Dead Rabbit and BAR1661 are committed to working with like-minded Irish makers, advancing the Irish story, and showcasing the abundance of emerging Irish talent in the hospitality industry, and beyond. Our recent partnership saw us collaborate on two sell-out takeovers, first in Dublin and then in NYC, inspired by the BAR1661 ethos of ‘Staunchly Irish, Fiercely Independent’, and The Dead Rabbit motto of ‘Tradition, Meet Tomorrow’ - a meeting of minds, and the culmination of long-held mutual respect and admiration. The events were captured, from beginning to end, by the very talented team at Drink In Digital, and made into a mini-documentary that details the thought process, preparation and execution that went into bringing this vision to life - with plenty of cocktails along the way. Music by Somebody's Child, Dea Matrona and Andrea Magee.

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