OPIHR GIN Global Cocktail Competition 2019

Entry to the competition is simple. Submit a cocktail that
is a twist on a classic, created with at least 35ml of Opihr gin, no more than 5 ingredients, and includes at least one ingredient that is local to you, which connects both flavour and place.
Enter your cocktail by posting an image on Instagram and comment with the recipe and explain how your cocktail connects flavour and place.
Make sure to tag @opihrgin use #OpihrWorld and geotag the city you’re in.
Held in a mystery location along the Ancient Spice Route, Opihr will host the Global Final for all regional winners.
This location will be a melting pot of ideas and culture, and our Explorer Mixologists will immersive themselves in all that the place has to offer in preparation for the Global Final, where they will demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have picked up along their journey.
The winner of the Global Final will be crowned The Spirit of Opihr and will help drive the brand forward in 2020!
Will it be you?