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33 Bartenders you have to see before you DIE!

We at Cocktails For You go to bars to see bartenders. Here's our list of bartenders we love & suggest you go out of your way to see in action or meet.

This list is simply OUR OPINION. There’s only 2 of us running this platform & we can’t be everywhere around the world. We have been served a drink by these bartenders.

This list is NO particular order so there is NO rank included but these people might just change your life.

1. Enrico Gonzato

Why? One of the greatest hosts you'll ever experience who will predict your every need & want. Signature #Vivimiscelato included. Bar: Dandelyan, London


2. Vitaly Alexey

Why? A 5-star experience wrapped in business casual, slinging classics or original cocktails with a permanent smile.  Bar: The Duchess, Amsterdam


3. Brian Silva

Why? One of the godfathers of the London bartending scene. It's getting a drink from your favourite uncle. Get a negroni! Bar: Balthazar, London


3. Mariia Baranets

Why? The Queen of Ukraine with the unforgettable smile, all are equal in her bar & leave mesmerised. If looks could kill & her drinks could bring you back from the dead. Bar: Yellow Room at Happy End Restaurant, Moscow


4. Remy Savage

Why? Possibly the best throw in the business not to mention a double shake that can shatter glass. The most polite man you'll ever meet yet one of the iconic thinkers of our time. Bar: Artesian, London


5. Mido Yahi

Why? Makes meatballs like your mama used to & happens to be Beyonce's BIGGEST fan. Those are apparently his weaknesses so now you can imagine the drinks!? If you’re insulted it means he likes you! Bar: Cafe Moderne, Paris


6. Dominykas Faustas

Why? Have you ever met the devil monkey who can throw jiggers & shakers in every direction yet somehow nothing ever hits the ground? You've found your man. Bar: Secret


7. Moe Aljaff

Why? Scrappy underdog who's became a bartender to avoid being homeless now owning his own place. Come a guest & leave a Schmuck! Bar: Two Schmucks, Barcelona


8. Shane Nolan

Why? The gatekeeper of Cork, known by many & loved by all he will make sure you get the full Irish experience. You'll be drinking stour & doing shots of Gin in no time.

Bar: SoHo Bar & Restaurant, Cork


9. Zadok Jaring

Why? Wearing a t-shirt with "You've met Zad!" on the front & running a Hell's Angels bar in the heart of the Red Light District in Amsterdam. The rest speaks for itself.

Bar: Excalibur, Amsterdam


10. Vainius Balcaitis

Why? He know everything about that spirit, everything about that jigger, everything about the stool you're sitting on & is all about them details.

Bar: Apoteka, Vilnius


11. Denzel Heath

Why? Ever seen 'Coyote Ugly'? Now wrap that in a Tiki-shirt, pump it full of tattoos & give it a bottle for laybacks.

Bar: Secret


12. Marian Beke

Why? Creativity has no borders in the mind of Marian with everything possible out there a combination he can use to make a cocktail that will blow your mind away from every direction.

Bar: The Gibson, London


13. Damien Guichard

Why? Sense of humour drier than a nuns vagina. Cant dance, has a weird moustache & is a Frenchman trying to convince the Germans he’s one of them. Hates any cocktails with nutmeg garnishes

Bar: Mr Susan, Berlin


14. Nikos Gartzolakis

Why? The “machine” of Baba Au Rum. The epitome of “humble & genuine service”

Bar: Baba Au Rum, Athens


15. Didier Van Den Broeck

Why? The worlds most infectious personality & equally a ticking time bomb of emotions. If a Zombie was a cocktail! The Duracell bunny has nothing on this guy.

Bar: Dogma, Antwerp


16. Maros Dzurus

Why? The “Terminator” of bartenders. 300 Cocktails in 10 minutes & make it look beautiful? Send in 'the' Maros!

Bar: Himkok, Oslo


17. Blaze Montana

Why? If a man could combine the term Jack-of-all-trades with crouching Tiger hidden Dragon. He can flair, he makes delicious drinks & is also a Ninja behind the bar. You think you need something, turns out you already have it!

Bar: Front & Cooper, Santa Cruz


18. Marco Corallo

Why? Sade described him best “Smooth Operator”. Calm, collected & with heart & soul that is genuinely open.

Bar: Caesar Palace, Dubai


19. Julian Short

Why? Reserved, polite yet genuine. He remembers all, respects all & everyone treats him the same way. Diplomat through & through!

Bar: Sin & Tax, Johannesburg


20. Evgeniy Shashin

Why? The co-creator of the "FIHULI" movement that started combining flair bartending & service in Eastern Europe. Don't ask him to pick up a shaker because he can do it a million ways.

Bar: Korobok, Moscow


21. Walid Merhi

Why? The worlds angriest bartender happens to also be one of the worlds best. Lightning fast on service, deadly delicious drinks & proudly Lebanese heritage.

Bar: Ferdinand, Beirut


22. Tata Kepler

Why? Crazy ginger hair, cigarette in the mouth, pouring beer & Laphroiag in a bar only open on Thursdays & Saturdays. Expect to be greeted with the worst swear words you know & leave with a smile on your face.

Bar: The bar that doesn't exist, Kiev


23. Denis Starodubtsev

Why? If your psychologist served beer, whiskey & cooked burgers. The mans man bartender who steals them from wives & keeps them in his Scottish pub.

Bar: William Lawsons, Almaty


24. William Pineapple

Why? The surname matches the job description. First you see his dreadlocks then the beer & shot in your hand. Can probably take you shot for shot!

Bar: Holiday Cocktail Lounge, New York City


25. Gabriele Sasnauskaite

Why? A voice like a mythological siren that keeps you sitting at her bar forever as you're entranced by her presence. Thank me later because I hope you've learned something

Bar: Artesian, London


26. Anton Martoplyas

Why? You don’t know him when you come into the bar? No worries the brute charisma will shoot through your eyeballs.

Bar: BarDuck, Minsk


27. Sunny Wray

Why? Knows more unique remixes than drinks, makes a banging vegan curry every Friday & only knows how to smile.

Bar: Betty Fords, Barcelona


28. Mario Farulla

Why? 50s Sunglasses, unicorns & blue drinks. Served with a tailor made suit & shoes with no socks. What’s not to love?

Bar: Baccano, Rome


29. Ran Van Ongevalle

Why? Dad jokes were created for this guy. A 50s movie star alive & well in the modern era. If a Golden Retriever & Stephen Hawking made a baby!

Bar: Artesian, London


30. Artem Peruk

Why? Opened the first mezcaleria is Russia semi-illegally, trained a generation of bartenders & happens to also be a better breakdancer than you. Just saying.

Bar: El Copitas, St. Petersburg


31. Julian Lopez

Why? Charlie Chaplin died & was reborn as a bartender. As a bartender he also happened to have one of the best techniques in the world.

Bar: Copperbay, Marseille


32. Michael Callahan

Why? The crab shake, the metrosexual connotations, the meditation before a shift & wherever you’re from he’ll tell you a better story about that place

Bar: Compound Collective, Singapore


33. Ben 'The Fierce' Tua

Why? The honey badger of bartenders because the honey badger doesn’t give a shit. If drunk can be found eating fried chicken in toilets. Does great camera voiceovers.

Bar: Library Nightclub, Perth (Australia)


33. Nikolay Kiselev

Why? Bottle of Mezcal in one hand, flashy apron & a unique 'Cheshire Cat' smile that makes this big man the daddy of the room.

Bar: El Copitas, St. Petersburg


33. Kuba Magnuszewski

Why? Mongoose bartender & undisputed champion of speed competitions. Also undisputed champion of Polish vodka. Your choice which to challenge him with!

Bar: Six Cocktails, Warsaw


33. Spaniard Bernabeu

Why? Is it the intense look, the chiseled demeanour or the precision & flair of a God? We don't know but we cant stop watching...

Bar: M.A.S.H Penthouse

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